Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fevers, Fevers, Fevers.

Edith has had fevers all day, I have been in children's hospital since 2 and wow I just got home, I need to vent on everything that she had to go through. Blood draws, X-ray, and Even urine. I hate catheters, so i know she must of hated it to!! I just wish she was a normal child, and didn't have to experience all this. I know she is going to get sick now and then. :( It is just frustrating to know that every time she has fevers this is what she has to go through. So now it is a waiting game, they want to make sure that the fever is not an infection. I know they are precautionary measures that has to be done. I hope it is just a fever, caused by her little cold. :( I hate Cancer, I hate Chemo .. I love that my daughter is in remission ..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leukemia Survivor ... Continues ..

Although it only has been a few days since we have left children's. It feels like long time. I have stretched out and enjoyed my days of returning home. Getting back into things was a little complicated, i think for Edith as well. I know we were only in for about a week and a half, it really put me on left field. Out of no where. But anywhoot, glad we are home. Edith has begun a new stage in her life, and now she is almost as normal as any other child. We just have to live with the fact that there can be slight chance. That scares me everyday. I just pray to god to heal my baby.

Leukemia Survivor ... Continues ..

I have wanted to write in this for a very long time, I get so darn busy with life. Work, Kids, School and of Course the daily routine of having my daughter safe, and free from Leukemia. I can't actually have her free from Leukemia, because we don't know where she got it from. That is the mystery. I just pray to god, to heal my daughter. This whole ordeal has been a very interesting take in my life. In Sept 22nd; she got 1 of her broviacs removed. Well we thought it would be easier, since she has needed transfusions in the past, it made it easier for her not to get poked. Edith is going to have to be coming back to Children's for probably the rest of her life. The first year after chemo it is every month, and the 2nd year, every 2 months, and so forth. (Just for blood draws, appointments, etc.) Well we are barely in the 3rd month, and so far so good, just a few days ago, something happened. We were scared, of course with any normal child, a fever is just a fever but for children who have had chemotherapy, it is not something to mess with. Edith got a fever up to 102 and was vomiting. I called the Oncologist, and she said, I had to take her right away to the ER. Of course they had to do the normal routine, blood cultures, etc. They sent us home with antibiotics, said they were going to call me right away if anything. And that night they called me, and said Edith had a blood infection; don’t know if it was actually the blood or her broviacs... Of course a few days of waiting, we found out it is the broviac. So of course what would be best for her, is to remove it, so Of course they did. I am so glad, she is tube free. No more daily Flushing, no more worrying if she were to rip it out. Uggh it is scary... So we have been in the hospital since Tuesday the 28th of Sept. And we are going to be in here until this next wed. I dislike it, because of course we moved rooms and now we have to share. :( Uggh!! I like the privacy. I actually just came home and rested and did what any other mother would do... Clean, cook, make sure clothes were washed, for the other kids, so they can be ready for school. It is so hard to juggle in between you know. I just wished we didn’t have to go back to the hospital, I really thought those days were over, but I know It is important for Edith. I am glad god gave me good Motherly instincts. Thank you Jesus.

Leukemia Survivor ... Continues. 2

Edith is one amazing little girl, I know it has to be hard for her little body, she is having her ups and downs. She is going to be starting Speech Therapy soon. I hope she does start talking. This is the time that we start seeing a lot of the side effects of the chemo. The Drs. say that it wont be much, but who knows. This past weekend, we took her to the lake, and let me tell you it was the first time that she seen the water, and she loved it. She wanted to throw herself in the water. It is like if she knew what to do you know. I was happy to see that she was just so happy. She is like a old soul trapped in baby's body. She is so amazing with the other kids, she loves to get her way.. Wow she is a sagitarius! Ha Ha I laugh because my husband and her sister are the same way. Edith is full of life, not afraid of anything, and I admire her for that. She still has a long ass way to go to fulfill her life, and as long as I am alive, I am going to seek that she will. Our life has just begun, this new norm of life. Even though, she might not remember any of her past, I will .. I forever will have a torn in my heart, June 6th 2009 will always be a distant rememberance of what could of been. Thank you God for giving us another day... Another beautiful day in life, that we take for granted. I am not a religious person, but I do love my god, and he knows where my heart is.. I am gradually educating myself, and learning from my error of my ways.. Edith is my starting ground of my new foundation of my life.

Leukemia Survivor ... Continues.

Anniversaries are supposed to be a happy day where you can remember your first date, first kiss, first love, wedding, those are the Most wonderful Anniversaries. Just from a tragic moment and just rememebering how much that day impacted you, your family, your whole life, will just make it an anniversary. On June 6th, 2009, I was told my daughter Edith Alexandria Palomera Gonzalez whom was born November 24th, 2008, was diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) and to think I had just taken her to the E.R. because she was constipated. Us mothers who breastfeed know that it is not normal for our baby to be constipated with breastmilk, she had not done number 2 :(, so I knew I had to take her to ER. It was a friday night, and I told my husband I was taking her and we would be back later. As, I walked in, the first thing the charge nurse said to me was, what is wrong with your daughter, I told her she had been constipated for the last 3 days, as I was taking Edith out of her car seat, she said Hunny your daughter looks pale, we need to take her in right away, I said that is funny, I have always thought she was white looking", she looked at me, and smurked, she said lets take her in right away. So the nurses came in drew blood, and it was just a waiting game after that, I called my good friend Rachel, because I just had a little ugly feeling inside. Edith was just laying there, with no fussiness, just laying there, looking really tired, I said my baby looks really tired, and exhausted, I wish we can go home. One nurse came in and said, we have another doctor coming in because the blood looks abnormal, I told her is it that bad, oh hell no, I have watched too much Discovery Channel. My Friend Rachel looked at me and said she is fine, just a mess up or something, I said NO, something is wrong with my daughter.. A few hours later, still waiting, they finally put me in a room seperated from the E.R., and as we were waiting a Dr came in and said we need to sit down with you, a few more Drs. are coming in, and I was surrounded by all these Drs. I thought to myself, shit Is this intervention for having a child constipated, is this CPS, shit I didnt know what to expect, I knew deep down inside something was wrong with my daughter. The Dr, started talking about the abnormalities and how this can happened, bla bla, and the she said those words, the words that Stabbed my heart, your daughter Edith has leukemia. I paused, and I sat there, and I started to cry, and they let me cry , meanwhile they were telliing me, They don't know this happens, we have to discuss what can they do, All I wanted in that moment was my husband, because he needed to be there with us, my friend Rachel and I just sat there crying with Edith... My husband was the first person I called, The 2nd person I called was my Sister Chely *(Whom is a nurse)* Told her like this, You better get your ass over here, Edith has leukemia and I need your help. Everything began, and felt like a moving train, either you were on or you were left behind, we took many many notes, medications, chemo, side effects, wow it was crazy... Who would of thought, we would be here today not just celebrating a life, but a day to remember, that things do happen for a reason, and my daughter is a good example of that. Edith is now in remission, and still has to undergo chemotherapy for the next few weeks, and then we are finally finished, and she would still have to be under watch for the next year, because right now the Leukemia is at a higer risk then ever. I just prayed to god, that he will continue to give my daughter life, and just remain in remission .. Thank you Jesus for giving my daughter life, and I will continue to love and serve you lord. ♥ Thanks for reading...