Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leukemia Survivor ... Continues ..

I have wanted to write in this for a very long time, I get so darn busy with life. Work, Kids, School and of Course the daily routine of having my daughter safe, and free from Leukemia. I can't actually have her free from Leukemia, because we don't know where she got it from. That is the mystery. I just pray to god, to heal my daughter. This whole ordeal has been a very interesting take in my life. In Sept 22nd; she got 1 of her broviacs removed. Well we thought it would be easier, since she has needed transfusions in the past, it made it easier for her not to get poked. Edith is going to have to be coming back to Children's for probably the rest of her life. The first year after chemo it is every month, and the 2nd year, every 2 months, and so forth. (Just for blood draws, appointments, etc.) Well we are barely in the 3rd month, and so far so good, just a few days ago, something happened. We were scared, of course with any normal child, a fever is just a fever but for children who have had chemotherapy, it is not something to mess with. Edith got a fever up to 102 and was vomiting. I called the Oncologist, and she said, I had to take her right away to the ER. Of course they had to do the normal routine, blood cultures, etc. They sent us home with antibiotics, said they were going to call me right away if anything. And that night they called me, and said Edith had a blood infection; don’t know if it was actually the blood or her broviacs... Of course a few days of waiting, we found out it is the broviac. So of course what would be best for her, is to remove it, so Of course they did. I am so glad, she is tube free. No more daily Flushing, no more worrying if she were to rip it out. Uggh it is scary... So we have been in the hospital since Tuesday the 28th of Sept. And we are going to be in here until this next wed. I dislike it, because of course we moved rooms and now we have to share. :( Uggh!! I like the privacy. I actually just came home and rested and did what any other mother would do... Clean, cook, make sure clothes were washed, for the other kids, so they can be ready for school. It is so hard to juggle in between you know. I just wished we didn’t have to go back to the hospital, I really thought those days were over, but I know It is important for Edith. I am glad god gave me good Motherly instincts. Thank you Jesus.

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